Sunday, November 15, 2009

November 19- 22, 2009 Select Media Festival 8

Join us in the community of the future for our fall festival.
The festival has a simple concept. Everything and everyone featured is SUPER BAD ASS.
Find out for yourself and see if we are full of hyperbole.

Guaranteed greatness .

On Thursday Nov 19 we are presenting a great video program at Heaven Gallery.
Friday Nov 20 features the Super Bad Ass Exhibition and great music at Co-Prosperity Sphere
Saturday Nov 21 features a spoken word freak out at C-PS
and Sunday Nov 22 features a hypnotism performance.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Friday NOV 13: SS Snack Attack at Eastern Expansion


Nov 13th, 2009 6-9pm

S.S. Snack Attack
This is what happens when two former art-school classmates get together, get down to eating, drinking, and working on the same drawings.

Installation open for viewing 24/7 .